
Archive for February 4th, 2006

Police keep watch as thousands of Bangladeshi Muslims take to the streets in Dhaka.

Palestinians show their anger at the cartoons by walking over a Danish flag in front of a mosque.

A Jordanian Muslim holds up the Koran in the capital Amman.

Palestinian protesters burn a French flag during a demonstration.

Pakistanis burn Danish, Norwegian and French flags during a rally in Lahore.

Muslims in Indonesia tear up the Danish flag.

Supporters of Pakistan’s Islamic alliance Mutahidda Majlis-e-Amal chant slogans during a rally in Karachi.


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No One Cares…

Nights i lay crumbled in my bed
Trembling with dejection and fear
Sheets covered wholly by the tears i shed
Haunted by the ache and angst like a nightmare

Frowning with an unendurable agony
I pass the crowd with great stealth
Dragging my feet with melancholy
Would this rather jeopardize my health?

Tormented by my dire and distressing predicament
Faintly i contemplate as my enitre body deteriorates
Even though i show no signs of peculiar abasement
Reluctantly i succumb to an overdose of barbiturates

Imperceptibly and solitary i frequently whimper
And with my so-called friends i often clown
Hitherto all my social activities my state did hinder
But owing to my pride, i never let them see me frown

Frowning is a sign of weakness and despair
Coz i do see light at the end of the tunnel
A distant beam of luminosity, sunlight’s glare
An intense glow flowing through the aired panel

My life is filled with misery and woe
Yet at it with amazement i stare and stare
Sometimes i can’t endure it anymore
But who seems to care?

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